History of CDA Products
Care for Disabled Animals (CDA Products) has been doing business with the equine community since the early 90’s. Charlie Anderson, John Madigan D.V.M, Richard Morgan, Larry Galuppo D.V.M. and vet med students at that time were all involved in developing “The Anderson Equine Sling.“ It was a great team effort and much good has come of it.
When you call to order products you will speak with Jerry Floyd, who is the Vice President of the company. He is committed to keeping the quality and integrity of the product Charlie Anderson worked so hard to provide.
Jerry has taken classes from John and Deb Fox, who were formally with the Felton Fire Department, Tlaer-west, UC Davis, ASAT, and SMART from the city of Los Angeles. With a desire to better understand the needs of a rescue team, these classes have indeed sparked a desire to get involved with rescue and furnish quality products for large animal rehabilitation, recovery and rescue.
Charlie applied for a patent in late 80’s and in ‘91 received news that his patent had been approved. He was ready to market the Sling for non-ambulatory and rehabilitation of horses. The Anderson Sling has become famous for air rescue yet it goes way beyond that.
In April 2007, Charlie passed away. The family decided to band together and continue to provide the equine community with quality products that truly perform. These products are available to teaching hospitals, veterinaries, rescue groups, first responders and individuals.